[1965-01-01] Hope Closes an Era With "All Good Wishes to One Another"
Hope Needham
[Below this line is a transcription of the article written by Hope Needham which is displayed above.]
So we come to the New Year, 1965! May it be a happy and satisfying one for all of you. One thing in rural life hasn't changed -- neighborliness and friendship. We may not show it in the same ways. We may not go spend the day with one another as farm folks did years ago. Maybe we don't help back and forth in a routine way as we used to, because we now have machinery of our own to do the work. But let any emergency arise, and you will find farm people as wholeheartedly kind and helpful as they ever were. That is one thing that I hope will never change.
So we come to the end of an era, with all good wishes to one another. There is no emergency, no upheaval, just a quiet shifting of the Household editorship from one hand to another. Hope withdraws to the sidelines and the younger generation takes over.
May your roots be deep,
Your branches high,
And love, like candles on a tree,
Light up your sky.
-- Hope Needham.