[Below this line is a transcription of the article written by Hope Needham which is displayed above.]
The response to the Flowers for the Living project, as announced in the Jan. 16 issue of The Drovers Journal, has been heart-warming. Readers who have sent in contributions for the fund to build a church in Africa in Hope Needham's name have been high in their praise of Hope for her many years of fine service. Many have read the paper continuously during the 37 years she has edited the Household column. All seemed to voice the same opinion: "Building a church in Africa is a wonderful way to honor our Hope and still influence others to God instead of communism."
In the first week after the project was announced, a total of 216 letters containing $464.75 toward the project were received. We are well on the way to our $1,400 goal. Thank you for your notes, your contributions and your encouragement. The project will be continued until the full sum is raised. -- Lucy Bonnett, chairman of the Flowers for the Living committee, Prairie City, Illinois.