[Below this line is a transcription of the article written by Hope Needham which is displayed above.]
Many a moon has passed since we first began discussing water lily pools in these columns. If we have seemed to harp too much on the subject, it was partly because reading about them was as near as many of us ever hoped to get to having one. They say constant dripping will wear away a stone, and perhaps it is the persistant reference to pools that has resulted in a real pool for me. When the men finished running concrete in the forms for the new garage the other day, they began digging a hole in the back yard, and something told me it must for nothing else than a lily pool.
Sure enough, it is taking shape, about 8 by 12, two feet deep in the middle and sloping to the edges. Old woven wire fence has been laid for reinforcement, and the concrete has been poured for the bottom and part of the side. When you get that far on such a project, it is practically impossible to abandon it; and so I am counting on the consummation of an old, old dream. Let me suggest that the rest of you who long for one try the same means; Lay any reference to lily pools where it will meet the eye of the "gude man," and perhaps in very self-defense he will build you one. --Hope