[Below this line is a transcription of the article written by Hope Needham which is displayed above.]
Today is sonny-boy's birthday: he is 4 years old. He is right when he he says he isn't a baby any more. And a house without a baby is lonesome place. I'll have to count on all with Householders with new little ones to keep me in touch with babyhood. Jim's Wife of Iowa has a new one--that makes two boys and two girls for her. I hope she will write me a lot about the babies.
Since Daddy-Jim has to be away and Hope Needham can't have a family dinner, the boys will take the birthday cake to school and share it with the children down. there. I'm going too, to hear all the 'rithmetic lessons: so it will be a big day.
Sonny has a real name, poor dear but he seldom hears it. I am afraid he will grow up somewhat distorted in his letters, for when the children sort out the stockings, R stands for Ruth and W stands for Wilbert, but E stands for for Thonny.
A night or two ago the children stayed up late (8 o'clock) and enjoyed an evening with daddy while mother went down to Sunrise to the play, the last number on our home talent "lyceum course.' The early evening seems to have been spent in college songs, the vociferous type of music being the favorite just now. The air has been full of "Oskey-wow- WOW" and "We're loyal to you, Illi- nois" ever since. To top off a restful evening, they had stories of wild animals —- a singular bed time topic? Brother-boy tells me that daddy told them all about porky pines,laughing halloweenas and striped Hebrews. It sounds just like Little Jane's Adventures to me!
Expect some good today and it mill come.
As surely as supply succeeds demand.
Expect some good today and it with seem
A blessing in your outstretched hand.
Expect perfection, happiness and peace,
With eagerness, with faith sin cere and true,
And ere the day is gone some
Will come to you. -Selected.