[Below this line is a transcription of the article written by Hope Needham which is displayed above.]
Speaking once more of schools, I must pass on to you a quotation I have just run across in regard to the importance of selecting teachers for our children. This bit of wisdom is somewhere between two and three hundred years old, I suppose, for it comes from Roger Eascham in the time of Queen Elizabeth and Will Shakespeare. It seems to be as sound in principal today as ever:
"It is a pity that commonly more care is had, yea and that amongst very wise men, to find out rather a cunning man for their horse than a cunning man for their children. They say nay in word, but they do so in deed. For to the one they will gladly give a stipend of 200 crowns and loth to offer to the other 200 shillings. God that sitteth in heaven laugheth their choice to scorn and rewardeth their liberality as it should, for he sufferers them to have a tame and well ordered horse, but wild and unfortunate children, and therefore in the end they find more pleasure in their horse than comfort in their children." --Hope
Memory Gem
Self-help is the most dependable, and is always ready at hand.
-- Selected.